

Brian Wong EJ Insight

The Case against Public Intellectuals

These are tough times to be a genuinely erudite scholar. Social media platforms glamourise the instant – as if the speed of consumption and consumability had anything to do with the quality of the information propagated (not that it matters); to be a scholar with limited media reach or popular following, would ostensibly be akin to – per the words of *some* folks – "begging on the streets". After all, the scholarly job does not pay well. Punditry, exaggerated commentary, and disingenuous lies – that's what pays. That's what sells. To write in a rigorous, precise manner, which may or may not alienate followers; to convey a stance that is inherently ambiguous, not for reasons to do with temerity, but to do with the fact that reality is often rather complex, has very little appeal amongst folks who are seeking clean-cut, straightforward solutions to complex issues. ...




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