

褚簡寧 Michael Chugani STRAIGHT-SHOOTING

Education overhaul will kill free thinking
for future HK generations

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At first it seemed like a joke. But it's no joke. The recent imposition of sweeping curriculum on schools will mean even kindergarten pupils must study national security through storytelling and roleplays. How do three-year-olds do national security roleplays? Dress up as the People's Liberation Army? Children as young as six must learn the four national security law offences: subversion, secession, terrorism, and colluding with foreign forces. How do you teach a six-year old about colluding with foreign forces? I am clueless. Hongkongers have been arrested or charged with colluding with foreign forces for lobbying Western governments to promote democracy here. The security law's definition of the offence is so vague that children at that age could grow up with a warped mind. It is now a gamble under the law to meet with American, British, and other Western politicians. Hong Kong politicians no longer dare exchange views with Western diplomats here. The law's definition of collusion is so broad, you never know if interacting with Western politicians is a crime. ...




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