

Brian YS Wong EJ Insight

Remembering Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is notorious. She's notorious for her refusal to stand down. Born in an era, to a society where being a female lawyer is a luxurious dream, and flourishing as a woman in the legal sector a Quixotic pursuit, she persisted. She persisted through law school – where she graduated top of her class, despite being told that she, like the few women who persevered through the experience, had deprived a man of the spot that he had deserved. And she had earned. And persisted she did, through the barriers and predicaments, the wage suppression and arbitrary dismissal that she was confronted by, as she entered the job market. Shattering glass ceilings wasn't something in her mind when she took up a leadership position at a Jewish summer camp – but 70 years later, at 87 years old, she did it, and did far more than just it. ...




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