

Brian YS Wong EJ Insight

Should we give up on our youth? - No, No, No!

For the lack of a better word, we're in a bit of a quagmire here. The past year of events – including the civil unrest, the largely peaceful protests, the escalating new Cold War, and the significant transformations to our city's political scene – has, to say the least, changed Hong Kong rather irrevocably. An underlying catalyst of this metamorphosis, and this is a point that perhaps is, poignantly, the sole point on which left, right, and centre could come to agree, is our city's youth. I've been speaking to a number of senior friends lately, and the gist I get from many of them, is one of resigned frustration. Whenever I bring up the topic of our youth, they would profess that they view our youth as deluded, impetuous, even insolent and blinded by their rage. Some of my friends are skeptical of the youth's ability to ever constructively engage in political debate, or steer our city towards a better future. Still, others – particularly those whose businesses have been affected by the past year of events – are adamant that the teenagers embroiled in last year's events must be sanctioned, such that they could "learn their lessons". Echoing the words of the daughter of an established business magnate in the city, they have decidedly "given up" on our youth – and are unabashedly open about their disappointment. ...




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