Lau Kin-yu
EJ Insight
Institutionalising opposition in LegCo: Insights from Singapore
In the shadows of the Sino-US conflict and pandemic covering Hong Kong, Prof. Anthony Cheung the former Secretary for Transport and Housing, expressed his somewhat sanguine vision for our Hong Kong. His proposal identified three core constitutional issues: (1) the universal suffrage of the Chief Executive(CE), (2) the institutionalisation of an opposition in the legislature, and (3) the reforming of the district councils through combining local wards into larger regional councils with greater official mandate and jurisdiction.
Prof. Cheung's insights are largely echoed by the recent moves by the Singaporean government in enshrining and recognising an official Leader of the Opposition, which serves as a paradigmatic example of the ruling, dominant party (e.g. the PAP) extending an olive branch towards its opponents, in order to broker a tenable working relationship that benefits all in the polity. ...