

Brian Wong EJ Insight

Without LGBTQIA+ equality, there can be no equality in HK

As the zeitgeist goes, it is imperative that Hong Kong redresses its long-standing inequalities. Beijing is right – when it comes to housing, land, and the underlying socioeconomic tensions of our city, past administrations have struggled to articulate a cogent, sustainable, and long-lasting vision that strikes at the heart of Hong Kong's malaise: inequity. Inequity in access to housing. Inequity in access to social mobility – as evidenced by the widening gap between the rich and the poor, but also the absolute stagnation when it comes to disadvantaged families seeking to break free of the poverty cycle. Inequity in access to education – specifically, international, cosmopolitan, and high-quality education that renders our graduates globally competitive and well-positioned. So it's all fair and square to think that amongst all the objectives our administration must value and seek to accomplish, equality is, first and foremost, a critical principle for which it ought to strive. ...




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