

A Hong Konger EJ Insight

Does Hong Kong still have a place?

It's been a rather grim 2020. For the world, for China, and for Hong Kong in particular. Long-standing issues surrounding governance, socioeconomic inequalities, and the city's uneasy relationship with its own state – stemming from both identitarian and value divergences – have come to a head over the past 20 months. Many have asked me if I believe there's still a viable path out and forward for Hong Kong – if the city is dying, or dead. Others have emphasised that the 'short-term volatility' and 'uncertainty' are but shocks and natural costs as the city adjusts to a new normal – a normal of 'stability' and 'order'. Yet irrespective of where one stands, one fact is unmissable: the Hong Kong that we'd lived in prior to 2020, for better or for worse, is no longer with us. These are unprecedented times, and Hong Kong has embarked on a journey into the unknown – where it emerges, how it emerges, that's a question upon which its future, and China's future at large, turns. ...




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