Brian Wong
EJ Insight
Demystifying Oxbridge Education
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I get a lot of enquiries these days about studying at Oxbridge. As someone who has spent 7 years at Oxford, starting as a wee undergrad and climbing (I suppose) my way through to the postgraduate stages of education (now reading my DPhil and doing some teaching on side), I'm of the view that there exists a perilous volume of misconceptions and incorrect mystifying concerning education at Oxbridge. Much of this is not helped, either, by the industry-scale engendering and propagation of a 'cult of Oxbridge' by popular media and journalistic outlets – the weight that Oxford carries in Hong Kong has been seemingly converted into personalised clout, to be appropriated and wielded like a stiff battering ram, shoved down the throats of any and all who would listen.
I find that… bizarre. It's high time we dispelled (not "dispel with", to a certain ex-Presidential nominee who short-circuited and repeated the latter thrice in a debate) the myth that Oxbridge are inherently impossible to get into unless one is a three-time Olympic fencing champion, straight-A student, and/or the founder of multiple global NGOs. That's a lie, and it's a sweet and shameless lie oft-propagated to render those who make their ways into the institutions seem more prestigious and qualified than they are. Don't get me wrong, it ain't easy getting into Oxbridge, but it sure ain't Herculean, either. ...