

Brian Wong EJ Insight

China's ageing population and structural solutions

China has an ageing population problem. This proposition requires some unpacking – more precisely, there are two sub-propositions to consider: The first, is that China's population is "ageing" – measured, usually, by an examination of the ratio or proportion of individuals aged 60/65 or above, as juxtaposed against the rest of the population. The second, is that such a demographic trend poses problems for China – in short, it "has a problem" when it comes to its population structure; such a problematic warrants proper and structural redress. Both propositions are true. To the first, note that China's population aged 60+ is anticipated to increase to nearly 500 million by the middle of the century (38% of the total population), from the 264 million in the status quo. Recently published statistics reveal that China has clocked amongst the lowest population growth rates on record – as the country enters into what Chinese demographers have termed a "zero-growth" period. The slowing population growth, induced by declining propensities of procreation (a fancy way of saying, folks are unwilling to have kids), is in turn a primary causal explanation for China's ageing population – alongside, of course, the much-improved lifespan and quality of life for Chinese citizens as the country continues to develop socioeconomically. ...




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