

Brian Wong EJ Insight

The Rittenhouse trial

The Kyle Rittenhouse case has split America asunder. Conservatives are of the view that not only was Kyle innocent, he was, in fact, a hero – one who had sought to uphold American values of property rights, citizen independence, and the autonomy of those who had been deprived of options and protection during the raucous 'riots' that rocked America in the summer of 2019. Progressives, on the other hand, loathe Kyle – they see him, especially in light of the recent verdict, as a typification of everything wrong with the American judicial system, as well as an epitome of white, unbridled privilege. Liberals, as usual, would hop to the defense of institutions and systems, whilst lamenting the embedded racism within the masses – including members of the jury. One sees what one wants to see – that's the state of contemporary politics, most particularly the case in America, a society defined and pried apart by ethno-religious and racial tensions. ...




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