

Brian Wong EJ Insight

On COP26: Sound and fury, signifying nothing?

A summit of leading voices on climate change, Earth sciences, geoengineering and terraforming and – of course – how could we miss them? "World leaders" stand amongst the mix clapping and plodding along to the bombastically well-orchestrated speeches delivered on stage. A brilliant display of rhetoric, wit, and witticism. Except, when it comes to action, there's only so much we could expect. After all, what happens when three politicians walk into a bar? They argue over who owns the bar first – then they quibble over who is to order the drink first, prior to settling upon a debate over what drinks to order. Expecting the current crop of world leaders to be able to deliver real, concrete changes, is akin to a cow anticipating that the butcher will ease the knife gently into itself, as it is delivered to the slaughterhouse. Try harder. ...




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