

Brian Wong EJ Insight

Save India, and save us all

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a truly dire toll on India. The sights are abhorrent to behold. 4,000+ daily deaths, 400,000+ daily cases, with the actual numbers likely to be in the ballpark of 10, even 20, times of these numbers. It's not looking good for the country. Oxygen in short supply, vaccines under- and ill-delivered, and hospitals running out of beds. I could go on and on, but you get the point. There is the view – one that is odiously popular amongst certain circles I've been acquainted with (unfortunately) – that posits that what's going in India is a matter of its people's own doing. More cynically, the argument goes, we should leave India be, and have Indian citizens bear the brunt of their government's mismanagement – after all, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and Malthus could well have had a point… or so, the hypothesis claims. I find this argument outrageous. I find it bizarre. Above all, I find it emblematic of the kind of ignoramus attitude that has so successfully percolated and been deeply entrenched amidst some of the most well-endowed and privileged communities in the world, and, indeed, in this very city. ...




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