

Brian Wong EJ Insight

Fixing governance requires a paradigm shift

It is incredibly difficult to govern. As a student and scholar of politics, I am acutely aware of the fact that ivory tower theories and ideals do not map nicely or neatly onto real politics. Governance is always an act – both in the sense of an individual gesture, but also as an ‘Act’ in a larger play – that requires acumen and astute judgment. How does one balance competing interests? How does one maneuver and navigate the room between rival factions? Above all, can one speak to the people, whilst maintaining one’s stature and standing amongst the movers and shakers in town? I’d hence like to preface the following by noting that I do not envy, for a minute, those in positions of great power. With power comes responsibility, with responsibility comes the opportunity to fail, and with the opportunity to fail, the demise of the once-great. A Greek tragedy. ...




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