Brian Wong
EJ Insight
The case for reforming our chief executive elections
Much ink has been spilled lately over the selection mechanism for the Chief Executive.
On one hand are voices calling for a fundamental overhaul to the electoral system – the optimal arrangement, they posit, rests with a consultative-cum-deliberative procedure that would select the one King that rules us all – our Aragorn – through the mystical, mystified, and certainly mercurial entity that is the consultative assembly. On the other are fervent advocates that Hong Kong remains steadfast in committing to an electoral system – one that has been trialled, tested, and arguably yielded varied success in yielding an administration that serves all Hongkongers.
I had a hypothetical thought – one that had brewed at the back of my mind throughout my years of initiation and coming-of-age (i.e. 2014 – hopefully that's not too much of a giveaway of my age), and had gradually developed into a consistently nagging voice throughout the past twenty four months. Given the existing political constraints, what would be the mythical X that Hongkongers would trade off in exchange for universal suffrage? – noting, of course, that the demand for the latter had remained perennially relatively high, though non-overwhelming (the numbers peaked at 60-70% at the height of the 2019 protests). ...