

Brian Wong EJ Insight

On the Twitter ban

Trump was banned on Twitter on January 8; his ban was met with polarising reviews from, as expected, two polarly opposed political communities. Yet to portray the reaction towards his ban as being reducible entirely into party lines, would be an unhelpful distortion of reality. Conservatives and Trump supporters were by no means the only folks who were uneasy about Trump's being removed from the platform – there were also those who are reasonably concerned about the overreach of tech companies, as well as the potential slippery slope embarked upon by Twitter as the flood-gates to seeming censorship were pried open by the decision. I am by no means a fan of Trump. I loathe him – for his racism, incompetence, and blatant disregard for political decorum. Indeed, I took to celebrating his removal from Twitter – not because it was all-things-considered the rational thing to do, but because there was a strong sense of affective vindication on my part; indeed, the very judgment of celebration over the purge is emotive in kind – it mirrors the sense of elation one feels at the vanquishing of a boss on a RPG, or at a surprise birthday present. Sentiments, not fully fleshed-out propositions. ...




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