

Brian Wong EJ Insight

Don't be surprised by the impeachment falling through

Trump was acquitted by the US Senate on February 13, 2021, by a margin of 57-43. A two-third majority was needed for the impeachment to pass. Colour me (un)surprised. For all the fanfare about "holding Trump to account", and the valiant rhetoric associated with putting "country before party", as well as the part-triumphant, part-desperate plea for Republican senators to "find their conscience", we'd seen it coming – there was no way the Republican party, or whatever is left of the ‘Grand Old Party' in the Senate, would have opted for the risky option that could well be career-ending. On one hand is the leap of faith, a leap that would place the senators plausibly at loggerheads with voters that would fickly defect to supporting the infant-tyranny. On the other was the safe option – one that grants them plausible deniability; one that permits them to court and consolidate their existing support, even at the expense of what is right. ...




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