

Brian Wong EJ Insight

On"Dismantling Global White Privilege"-Chandran Nair

A Prime Minister knee-deep in scandal. A few weeks after I'd penned a review of Owen Jones' "The Establishment" for this very paper, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson finds himself in hot water – facing scathing critique by the opposition and incessant ribbing by members of his own party, he was in a puerile state, caught in a limbo between facetious ineptitude and embarrassing ignominy. He was, for a lack of a better world, in a cul-de-sac, or – if you will – a cul-de-sack. A city rife with anti-black and anti-South Asian racism. Filipino domestic helpers, migrant workers (not "expats", apparently, according to some arbitrary, non-calibrated metric), and African-American visitors face a similar fate at the hands of many in Hong Kong: they are told that they are respected, whilst they are – in practice – excluded and treated as implicitly inferior to the myriad of Han Chinese populating Hong Kong. Racism is alive and kicking, in what ostensibly is Asia's world city. ...




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