

Brian Wong EJ Insight

The Establishment: And how they get away with it'-Owen Jones

When watching gaffe after gaffe from Boris "Peppa Pig World; A COVID-Free Christmas is on its way" Johnson, one can't help but think – how does he get away with it? More broadly, how does the Establishment get away with it – the deceit, the conceit, and the fait accompli resignation that the crowd indulges in in response to another outrageous gesture or act from the state. One can't be blamed for wondering – have we all gone absolutely, completely bonkers? Then there's Jacob Rees-Mogg's lamentation over MPs being required to wear masks – Boohoo! Apparently basic scientific reasoning and hygiene is not one of the prerequisites for representing the public will; and perhaps that's right… the constituents backing these MPs frankly haven't a clue when it comes to such superfluous add-ons: why bother with reasoning and rationality, when impulsive emotions would do? ...




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