

Brian Wong EJ Insight

It's time we did something about caged homes

Caged homes. A term employed to denote “spaces” that could range anywhere from 100 sq. ft. apartments with sprawling sewage pipes and crisscrossed overhead wires and dripping roofs and broken pipes… to sweltering wooden and iron cubicles – twenty of them stacked in a single apartment, some of them measuring no larger than two feet, by three feet, by four feet. In this city with one million millionaires, another million or so lives under the poverty line. Amongst these, 200,000 are tenants of “homes” such as the ones outlined above – they are all but homes in name only. Homes to bodies, perhaps, but not homes that offer dignity and decency. Homes filled to the brim with filth, clutter, and despair – as their tenants wait year-on-year, with no end in sight, in their quest for a decent shelter. Euphemistically, or “formally”, these flats are also known as sub-divided flats. ...




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