

Brian Wong EJ Insight

International relations and diplomacy: How to make friends

I went back and gave Dale Carnegie’s classic a (re-)read the other day – for three reasons: Firstly, I was intrigued by the prospects of applying his prescriptions to international relations and diplomacy, especially given the downward spirals that characterise many prominent relationships in the world today. Secondly, Carnegie’s book shed elucidating insights into human psychology – perfect for our times, which are increasingly characterised by atomisation and precipitous mistrust between individuals. Thirdly, as someone who probably would benefit from learning how to make friends – and keep friends, there’s certainly a personal dimension to my perusal of the book. With that said, here are the lessons Carnegie offered – applied to the context of modern diplomacy. There are broadly six insights that I thought world leaders could use – and then some – in aiding them in liaising with statespersons from other countries. Full credit to Carnegie, I’m just the messenger: ...




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