

Frank Ching EJ Insight

China says "patriotism" in Hong Kong means loving the party

Eight months after imposing a National Security Law on Hong Kong, Beijing is moving to tighten its grip over the supposedly highly autonomous region, with China's National People's Congress expected to review legislation next week that would ensure that anyone elected to any office – from district councilors who deal with garbage disposal to the Chief Executive—would in China's eyes be a "patriot" who supports the communist party. Within Hong Kong, the crackdown continued with the arrest on Sunday of 47 former lawmakers and activists charged with "conspiracy to commit subversion," which carries a possible life sentence. Meanwhile, the western world continues to support Hong Kong, with Canada announcing in early February– days after a British initiative to accept up to five million Hongkongers came into effect – that Hong Kong residents could apply for work permits that could lead to permanent residency. ...




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