

Brian Wong EJ Insight

US must renew democracy at home, to strengthen democracy abroad

Raucous riots. An unrepentant incumbent leader. A nation divided. And democratic institutions challenged by un-democratic forces. Scenes that America had for long disparaged as the produce of authoritarian states took Capitol Hill by storm on January 6. In many ways, the events that day epitomise how far the country has descended from its historical role as a paradigm for democracy – that many had turned to as source of inspiration and thought leadership. A 2020 Pew Research poll revealed that just 41% in the UK express a favourable opinion of the U.S., the lowest percentage in its survey history. Just 31% of the surveyed in France see the U.S. positively – equalling the ratings from March 2003, when the two countries were at loggerheads over the Iraq War. Only 9% in Belgium view Trump as capable of "doing the right thing in world affairs" – and even the staunchest American ally in the region, Japan, saw Trump’s support dwindle to 25%. ...




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