

Brian Wong EJ Insight

Trump is done. But Trumpism isn't going anywhere.

Sighs of relief reverberated across the globe, when the Associated Press call came through for Biden. As of November 12 2020, Joe Biden has clinched the 279 votes out of the electoral college that he needs, and has (all but officially) defeated Donald Trump, in his bid for the White House. The past year and a half have seen some of the most turbulent scenes in American electoral history. From an unprecedentedly packed field of contenders for the Democratic nomination, to the incessantly vitriolic debates and assaults exchanged across the aisle, to Trump's unrelenting attacks on science, democracy, and truths (even half-truths), to fears over Biden's purported senility and state of mind – nothing about 2020 has been ordinary, and this election season was no exception. ...




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