

A Hong Konger EJ Insight

Towards A More Reflective "China Story"

Much ink has been spilled on the question of telling the "China Story". Some view the exercise as one of defense, as one about truth-telling, pushing back against the ongoing smears that China has endured, as well as providing an alternative discourse to the increasingly vitriolic narratives concerning China's ascent. And we can't fault folks who think as such – after all, it is all but apparent that across a large number of media platforms, China is damned if it does; it's also damned if it doesn't. If China invests in sustainable energy and research, it "must"be because it "lacks the literal fuel to run on a high-consumption, low-sustainability growth model"; if China pulls back on its emissions reductions, it must be because "Beijing is (ostensibly) reneging upon its promises concerning climate change". Across a large number of political theatres and spaces, China has become the new Bogeyman – the new imaginary threat around which select members of the West – and their allies – coalesce and rally. Telling a fair and accurate story about China, then, may not be that outrageous an aspiration. ...




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