

Brian Wong EJ Insight

On COVID-19, mental health and human decency

We're in the midst of arguably one of the worst pandemics in our lifetimes. Not only has COVID-19 left an indelible mark on global politics, international relations, and, indeed, our average lifespans – it has also transformed our mental states into subjects of a hellish 18 months (and counting). The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it substantial onus and burdens for an already battered international community. Not only has COVID-19 put an end to the many norms, values, and systems that we hold dear; exposed the fragility of public health infrastructures of many countries around the world – it has also deprived the world of access to basic self-care and welfare. Considering Hong Kong's relatively dry spell and bad run lately, it's no surprise – though perhaps more of a product of artificial neglect and systemic failure – that we, too, have become one of the epicenters of the ongoing mental health crisis: one where productivity and basic human decency, frankly unrealisable public health objectives and sanity have come into conflict. And the outcomes of these clashes are Pyrrhicly clear – nobody wins, we're all losers. ...




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