

Brian Wong EJ Insight

On loyal garbage and virtuous patriots

A recent comment from an established mainland Chinese academic caught my eye – in it, he decried the lack of virtuous patriots in Hong Kong, and lamented the fact that this city was filled to the brim with pro-establishment politicians that had performed their duties as 'loyal garbage' in the decades subsequent to the handover. It is tempting – almost too tempting – to dismiss his comments as merely words signifying Beijing's fundamental frustrations at the local establishment; that the Central Administration had been thrown under the bus by the ineptitude of the domestic ruling elite – is a plausible and reasonable interpretation of events, especially in light of the massive headache posed by Hong Kong to Beijing's regional and geopolitical plans. Yet such an interpretation would unduly conceal an admittedly pressing and glaring issue – a sore thumb that sticks out amidst the dredge the city is wading through: there are serious problems with our governance. ...




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