

A Hongkonger EJ Insight

What's with the Trump Fetish?

Allegations of collusion with foreign powers, active suppression of civil rights, a heavily botched response to the COVID-19 crisis, alienation of half of the country's allies… We're in the dying days of Trump's first (and hopefully the last) term, and it'd be unduly litotic to say that his presidency has been, for the lack of a better word, an epic failure. Epic in its marvelously cataclysmic nature, failure in its ability to bring about better conditions for the vast majority of Americans, albeit it may well be the case that he has delivered the promises that he'd made during his campaign. Over his four years of reign, Trump has managed to convert America into a desolate, hollowed-out, decrepit country – filled to the brim with disillusioned, disenfranchised masses, and with intra-national rifts that haven't been so pronounced and despair-inducing for a very long time. Unironically, Trump has transformed America in the footsteps of regimes who have long prized themselves for their autocratic, authoritarian tendencies – he has molded the 50 states in the image of the personality cults that one would only expect to see across the Pacific, in countries that ostensibly supported Trump's ascent to power. ...




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