

A concerned Hongkonger EJ Insight

We need an honest conversation about police accountability

I don't think the police force is evil. I don't think that a majority of them are deliberately bent on inflicting pain or suffering upon Hong Kong's citizens. I don't think front-line policemen are trained to treat civilians as their mortal enemies, and to take masochistic pride in the demise or pain of teenagers and children. I think the police force is amongst the victims of the past year of civil unrest, political acrimony, and a brewing perfect storm that culminated after repeated blunders by all parties involved. And above all – I think the Us-vs-Them rhetoric that divides (but also, ironically, unites) those sympathetic towards the democracy movement, and those who vehemently oppose them as they see them as harbingers of instability and violent rioting, is neither conducive towards a healed and better Hong Kong, nor, specifically, helpful in de-escalating police-civilian tensions and mistrust. ...




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